Summer Wild Adventure Programs
In partnership with Southwick's Zoo, we are offering educational programs for kids in grades K-12! Children will learn through hands-on activities including games, crafts, and even meeting a few of the EARTH Discovery Center's animal ambassadors up close and personal!
Questions about the program? Email Bob Clark, Wild Adventure Program Director, at
Please note that the Wild Adventure Program and Junior Zookeeping are separate programs organized by different staff.
Click here if you are looking for information about the Junior Zookeeping program.
Make your child’s summer break a Wild Adventure!
We offer program sessions for the following grade levels: K-2, 2-3, 4-6, and 7-10. Our young adventurers will explore the zoo and learn through a variety of hands on activities such as games, crafts, and even meeting some of our animals up close and personal. All Wild Adventure students also get to tie-dye their own t-shirt. Programs range from a half day program for younger children to a program for older children interested in careers relating to zoology.
2024 Summer Program Sessions
EARTH Member Discount
EARTH members receive a 10% discount on Summer Wild Adventure Programs. To receive your member discount when you register, click “enter promotional code”. Your code is the first 5 letters of your last name + the first 2 letters of your first name. Example: John Smith’s code would be SMITHJO. If your last name is fewer than 5 letters, just use your full last name + the first 2 letters of your first name, Jane Doe’s code would be DOEJA.
*Must be a current EARTH member at the time of registration to receive the member discount. Discounts may NOT be combined with early bird pricing. Discounts cannot be applied retroactively.
Zoo Babies & Animal Behavior
Grades 2-6
June 19 – June 21: 9:00am-12:00pm
$155 Non-Member / $139.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This mini-camp focuses on two of our favorite topics: animal behavior and zoo babies! Students will help create enrichment for a variety of species and then watch the animals interact with it. This will help students gain a better understanding of what enrichment is, why it’s important, and how it can promote a variety of natural behaviors including foraging and problem solving. Students in the program will also learn more about the many baby animals currently found in Southwick’s Zoo!
There’s No Such Thing as a…
Animal Myths vs Reality
Grades 4-6
June 24 – 28, 2024: 9:00am-4:00pm
$425 Non-Member / $382.50 EARTH Ltd Member
Did you know that porcupines can’t actually shoot their quills? Or that owls can’t really turn their heads 360 degrees? This program will clear up many common animal misconceptions as well as explore which animals are a part of mythology and legends across different cultures. Using literature, art, science, and storytelling, we will look at myths and realities in the animal world.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, creating enrichment for tropical birds with help from the zoo’s bird trainers/keepers, creating enrichment with the keepers for the zoo’s primates, meeting some animals up close and personal, watching keepers feed the hyenas and alligator, games, crafts, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, and more!
Teen Zoology
Grades 7-8
July 1-3, 2024: 9:00am-4:00pm
$325 Non-Member / $292.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This three day program is ideal for middle school kids interested in learning about careers in biology, zoology, or similar fields. This program will also have a focus on animal conservation as well the impact of climate change on wildlife. Topics covered will include native species, animal behavior and care.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, creating animal enrichment with help from the keepers, meeting some animals up close and personal, giraffe encounter, rhino encounter, watching keepers feed the hyenas and alligator, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, and more!
From T-Rex to Turkeys
Grades K-2
July 1-3: 9:00am-12:00pm
$155 Non-Member / $139.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This half-day program focuses on how modern animals evolved from their prehistoric ancestors. By examining evolution, we can discover some surprising connections! Did you know that the T-Rex is connected to turkeys and chickens? Students will explore the connections between different species of animals and what makes them alike and unique.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, train ride through North American exhibit and wetlands, meeting animal ambassadors in the EARTH Discovery Center, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, arts and crafts, and more!
Going, Going, Gone
Grades 2 – 5
July 8-12, 2024: 9:00am-2:00pm
$335 Non-Member / $301.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This program focuses on the many endangered species and why they are endangered. Students will learn about what species in Southwick’s are threatened as well as how their actions and choices have an impact on wildlife and the environment.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, creating enrichment with the keepers for the zoo’s primates, creating enrichment with the keepers for the zoo’s birds,tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, games, crafts, and more!
Teen Zoology
Grades 7-8
July 15-19, 2024: 9:00am-4:00pm
$575 Non-Member / $517.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This five day program is ideal for middle school kids interested in learning about careers in biology, zoology, or similar fields. This program will also have a focus on animal conservation as well the impact of climate change on wildlife. Topics covered will include native species, animal behavior and care.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, creating animal enrichment with help from the keepers, meeting some animals up close and personal, giraffe encounter, rhino encounter, watching keepers feed the hyenas and alligator, a whale watch, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, and more!
High School Zoo
Grades 9-11
July 22-26, 2024: 9:00am-4:00pm
$575 Non-Member / $517.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This five day program is ideal for high school students interested in learning about careers in biology, zoology, or similar fields. This program will also have a focus on animal conservation as well the impact of climate change on wildlife. Topics covered will include native species, animal behavior and care.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, creating animal enrichment with help from the keepers, meeting some animals up close and personal, giraffe encounter, rhino encounter, watching keepers feed the hyenas and alligator, a whale watch, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, and more!
From T-Rex to Turkeys – Morning
Grades K-2
July 22-26: 9:00am-12:00pm
$255 Non-Member / $229.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This half day program for younger children focuses on how modern animals evolved from their prehistoric ancestors. By examining evolution, we can discover some surprising connections! Did you know that the T-Rex is connected to turkeys and chickens? Students will explore the connections between different species of animals and what makes them alike and unique.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, train ride through North American exhibit and wetlands, meeting animal ambassadors in the EARTH Discovery Center, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, arts and crafts, and more!
From T-Rex to Turkeys – Afternoon
Grades K-2
July 22-26: 1:00pm-4:00pm
$255 Non-Member / $229.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This half day program for younger children focuses on how modern animals evolved from their prehistoric ancestors. By examining evolution, we can discover some surprising connections! Did you know that the T-Rex is connected to turkeys and chickens? Students will explore the connections between different species of animals and what makes them alike and unique.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, train ride through North American exhibit and wetlands, meeting animal ambassadors in the EARTH Discovery Center, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, arts and crafts, and more!
Animals, Habitats, & Ecosystems
Grades 4-6
July 29 – August 2: 9:00am-4:00pm
$425 Non-Member / $382.50 EARTH Ltd Member
Program highlights
Creating enrichment for tropical birds with help from the zoo’s bird trainers/keepers, creating enrichment with the keepers for the zoo’s primates, giraffe encounter, rhino encounter, watching keepers feed the hyenas and alligator, birds of prey presentation, games, crafts, tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, and more!
Going, Going, Gone
Grades 2 – 5
August 5 – 9, 2024: 9:00am-2:00pm
$335 Non-Member / $301.50 EARTH Ltd Member
This program focuses on the many endangered species and why they are endangered. Students will learn about what species in Southwick’s are threatened as well as how their actions and choices have an impact on wildlife and the environment.
Program highlights
Learning about the zoo’s 150+ different species, creating enrichment with the keepers for the zoo’s primates, creating enrichment with the keepers for the zoo’s birds,tie-dying a t-shirt to bring home, games, crafts, and more!
I'm an EARTH Member, how do I get my discount?
EARTH members receive a $10 discount on Spring Wild Adventure Programs and a 10% discount on Summer Wild Adventure Programs. To receive your member discount when you register, click the green “register button” on the eventbrite page, then “enter promotional code”. Your code is the first 5 letters of your last name + the first 2 letters of your first name. Example: John Smith’s code would be SMITHJO. If your last name is fewer than 5 letters, just use your full last name + the first 2 letters of your first name, Jane Doe’s code would be DOEJA.
*Must be a current EARTH member at the time of registration to receive the member discount. Discounts cannot be applied retroactively.
Where and when do I drop my child off?
Where do I pick up my child?
What should my child wear?
Make sure your child is dressed for the weather. We spend most of the day outdoors and do a large amount of walking, so we recommend that children wear comfortable shoes and do not wear sandals or open toed shoes.
What should my child bring?
- A mask or other fabric face covering such as a bandana. Children will only be required to wear a mask when indoors or if in an area where they cannot socially distance. *Mask requirements will be subject to current Department of Public Health guidance when the programs take place.*
- Sneakers or boots only (no sandals, flip flops, or open-toed shoes). Shoes must be comfortable enough for children to walk all over the zoo.
- Backpack
- A pencil bag with colored pencils, markers, crayons, small paint brush and regular pencils.
- Additional clothing depending on the day’s weather forecast (i.e. extra socks, raincoat, sweatshirt, hat, etc.)
- Water bottle – We have water available to refill bottles, but, to minimize contact, we recommend packing two water bottles each day.
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent
- Lunch & snacks – We provide snacks and water during morning and afternoon snack time. Snacks will be individually packaged, single serve snacks. Since kids are active all day, they tend to get hungry, so you may wish to send more than you typically would for school lunch.
- Hand sanitizer – We have installed a hand washing station, staff will have hand sanitizer, and hand sanitizer is available in various locations in the zoo, but we recommend that children bring their own to help minimize contact.
For more information, please contact:
Bob Clark, Program Director, at
Located at Southwick’s Zoo
2 Southwick’s Street
Mendon, MA 01756